Short Answer - It'due south all about the Amps, non about the C-Rating
Using a battery'southward C rating lonely to determine if information technology can work for your gun is not enough as it'southward but half the equation. The other half is how many mAh the battery has. These two together (mAh and C rating) make up one's mind how many Amps output the bombardment can push. Because Titan Battery Packs comport nigh twice the mAh of the average Airsoft LiPo and have nigh half the C rating, they can button on average the aforementioned Amps output, and nonetheless offer 2x the capacity, so you get 2x the shots with the same power.

For example:
A 1500mAh 32C LiPo can button 48 Amps and has 1500mAh
A 3000mAh 16C Titan tin can push 48 Amps and has 3000mAh (2x as much!)

Now get your Titan battery pack for Airsoft!

Long Answer
**FULL NERD Alarm**

What is C rating?

  • C rating measures how fast a battery can discharge its energy.
  • The college the C rating - the faster the ability tin leave the battery to turn motors, power a light bulb, etc.
  • Some electronics tin can apply batteries with lower C ratings (nearly flashlights, radios, etc.) while others need loftier C rating batteries (electric vehicles, drones, etc.).
  • A very low C rating battery (like a standard Alkaline AA) is like a bottle of syrup. The bottle might exist full (like a fully charged battery), just information technology tin't empty very chop-chop because the syrup is and so thick. This is okay for an alarm clock that will empty the battery over many months, but not okay for starting a machine. A very loftier C rating battery is similar a canteen of water with no chapeau, you can tip it over and empty the whole canteen (like a fully charged battery) in a few seconds. This allows high ability electric motors to turn quickly.

What does the C rating number really mean?

  • The C rating number is the number of times the battery tin discharge in one hour without overheating or damaging the battery.
  • For example, a battery with 1C tin discharge it's entire chapters in 1 hour, while;
  • 6C bombardment tin in ten minutes (60min / 6C = 10min)
  • 20C battery can in 5 minutes (60min / 20C = 5min)
  • 60C battery can in 1 infinitesimal (60min / 60C = 1min)

What is Constant? What is Burst?

  • Every bombardment has 2 C ratings, Constant and Burst.
  • Abiding is how fast information technology tin can discharge at a constant charge per unit until it's empty. Examples of a constant discharge are flashlights, remote control airplanes or drones, etc. Things that utilise their batteries for for minutes or hours straight without stopping.
  • Burst measures how much power the battery tin give for a few seconds and nevertheless keep it's voltage upward. Examples are Airsoft AEGs (semi), an RC aeroplane during take off, starting a car or truck, etc.

Which C Rating matters to Airsoft?
The Outburst C Rating of a battery is more important to Airsoft to than information technology's Constant C Rating. This is because most Airsoft AEGs are only used for a few seconds or less at a time (semi), not for a constant x minutes for instance.

How does Airsoft apply batteries?

  • In that location are two stages of bombardment drain for an Airsoft AEG, the initial inrush and the constant describe.
  • The initial inrush lasts for just hundredths of a second and is the power needed to get-go the motor turning. Smaller Airsoft guns demand about 30 Amps while larger ones can need over 100 Amps. As this lasts for such a short fourth dimension, this stage has very picayune upshot on a battery's charge.
  • Afterwards the motor starts turning, the constant draw is the power needed to keep the motor turning, and lasts much longer and is a improve measurement of how much power the gun will need.

How does a battery get it'due south C Rating?

  • Unfortunately at that place is no standard for defining C rating. Considering of this, many manufactures ofttimes overstate their bombardment's C Rating.
  • In principle, Burst C is the Amp charge per unit the bombardment can discharge and still keep its voltage above it's minimum (typically 3.0v for LiPo's, 2.5v for Lithium Ion)
  • Constant C is the Amp rate that the battery can belch until information technology'southward empty without overheating at the end (Titan uses 140F / 60C as it's max temperature. Lithium Ion cells don't become dangerous until much higher).

C Rating Math

  • You lot tin use the capacity of the battery (similar 1500mAh) and the C rating of the battery (like 10C) to summate how many amps it tin constantly belch until information technology'due south empty.
  • A 1500mAh battery is really a ane.5Ah battery (mAh means milliamp hours, or i thousandths of an Amp hour). If you take 1.5Ah and multiply information technology past it's C rating (in this case 10C) you get 15A, or fifteen amps. So this bombardment can discharge 15A for 6 minutes until information technology's totally empty without overheating.
  • Other examples are:
  • 1500mAh 10C = 15A for half dozen min (i.5Ah * 10C = 15A) then (60min / 10C = 6min)
  • 800mAh 5C = 4A for 12 min (0.8Ah * 5C = 4A) and then (60min / 5C = 12min)
  • 2600mAh 3C = 8A for 20 min (2.6Ah * 3C = 8A) then (60min / 3C = 20min)
  • One interesting effect from this: two batteries that have unlike capacities (mAh) and different C Ratings can actually have the same discharge adequacy. For example:
  • 2000mAh 5C = 15A (2.0Ah * 5C = 10A)
  • 1000mAh 10C = 4A (ane.0Ah * 10C = 10A)
  • Withal, they won't concluding the aforementioned corporeality of time!
  • 2000mAh 5C = 12min (60min / 5C = 12min)
  • 1000mAh 10C = 6min (60min / 10C = 6min)
At present get your Titan bombardment pack for Airsoft!