Ghost Recon Future Soldier Gear Airsoft

Ghost Recon Future Soldier Gear Airsoft

Inserted deep behind enemy lines, they strike swiftly and so vanish. When a stolen military grade bomb takes out a Ghost squad, a new Ghost Unit must track down the source of the weapons. But the trail Ghost Lead, Kozak, Pepper and 30K follow leads around the world, into the corridors of power where rebellion and war are brewing. Soon, the Ghosts are all that stands between the earth and a devastating global conflict.

- Description


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Time to come Soldier is a video game published by Ubisoft Entertainment available on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Excluding expansions to previous titles, this is the 5th installment in the Ghost Recon series, and brings the universe into a mail-mod setting.


  • one Development
  • 2 Gameplay
    • 2.1 Gunsmith
  • 3 Storyline
    • iii.i Raven Strike
  • four Missions
    • 4.1 Raven Strike
  • 5 Multiplayer
    • v.i Classes
    • 5.2 Maps
    • 5.iii Gamemodes
      • 5.3.1 Conflict
      • 5.3.2 Decoy
      • 5.iii.3 Saboteur
      • five.iii.4 Siege
      • 5.3.five Stockade
      • Takeover
      • 5.3.7 Guerrilla
  • 6 Arsenal
    • 6.1 Weaponry
  • vii DLC
    • vii.1 Arctic Strike
    • 7.2 Raven Strike
    • vii.3 Khyber Strike
  • 8 Game Editions
    • viii.1 Signature Edition
    • viii.2 PC Digital Palatial Edition
    • 8.iii Collectors Edition (Australia just)
  • 9 Flick
  • 10 Believe in Ghosts miniseries
    • 10.1 Episode listing
  • xi Videos
  • 12 Trivia
  • 13 External links


Initially, the title was revealed to be Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Predator by an OFLC release. Nonetheless in December 2009, "Ghost Recon: Time to come Soldier" was trademarked by Ubisoft, raising speculation that this could exist the name for the upcoming Ghost Recon four. This was afterwards confirmed by an official announcement that same year. In November 2010, Ghost Recon: Predator was released exclusively for the Playstation Portable and took place during a conflict in Sri Lanka.

While the release of Future Soldier was targeted for the 2009-2010 fiscal twelvemonth, Ubisoft later announced that the release date would be pushed dorsum until the 2010-2011 fiscal year to "strengthen" its video game line-up. In May 2010, Ubisoft announced that the release of Futurity Soldier would be delayed until the "March quarter of 2011". It was later delayed until May 2012. Ubisoft Paris wanted to ensure the best feel for players by holding information technology dorsum for a few months to ensure as much of the game is equally skilful as they can get it to be.

The game was released on May 22nd, 2012 in America and May 24th, 2012 in Europe for Xbox 360 and PS3. The PC version was released on June 12th 2012. Planned Nintendo DS and PSP versions were cancelled in 2011.

Since its release, three downloadable content packs take been made available for purchase.


Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is a 3rd-person cover-based shooter; however, aiming downwardly the sights will cause it to switch to a first-person photographic camera for more precise aiming. In addition, embrace is partially destructible and fire from enemy machine guns will cause an FOV reducing 'suppression' effect.

Dissimilar previous Ghost Recon games, squad micromanagement is replaced by target marking: the Ghosts' AI handles the details. During firefights, the player can marker one high priority target on which squad-members should focus their fire, and outside of firefights, the player can mark upward to iv targets for the Ghosts to shoot either with them, or on their command, in perfect synchronicity.


Main article: Gunsmith

During E3 2011 Ubisoft, debuted Gunsmith, which allows the thespian to customize and test weapons with alternative optics, attachments, trigger groups, barrels, and more in both singleplayer and multiplayer. This groundbreaking characteristic allows the player to fully customize their weapon selections. In the campaign, players will unlock weapons consummate with every one of their respective attachments by completing missions and challenges. On the other hand, in multiplayer, players will unlock weapons and earn credits for weapon parts equally they level their character. Furthermore, on the Xbox 360, players can use Kinect to customize their weapons through hand gestures and vocalization commands.

The types of attachments and modifications for Futurity Soldier include:

  • Optics: Allow the attachment of both close-quarters and long-range eyes.
  • Paint: Cover-up (aesthetic only, has no effect on weapon performance).
  • Trigger Groups: Allow burn down way adjustments, such as full-auto and burst burn down.
  • Magazines: Allow for greater chapters, alternative ammunition, and faster reloading.
  • Under-barrel: Grips and bi-pods for increased accuracy, or launchers and shotguns for increased impairment.
  • Gas Systems: Fire rate adjustments are made here.
  • Side Rail: Aiming lasers and heartbeat sensors attach here.
  • Barrels: Change the length of butt for long, close or mid range combat.
  • Cage: Add suppressors for stealth or recoil compensators to increase precision or hide muzzle wink.
  • Stocks: Modify the stock to increase maneuverability or accuracy.

In single-player, Ghost and Russian weapons are unlocked past completing missions and challenges, respectively. In multiplayer, weapons are unlocked per course as rank is increased with a grade.

At any time while using the Gunsmith a player can visit the firing range, permitting him/her to test their weapon at close, medium, long, and extremely long ranges.

The game has approximately 52 unlike weapon variants through customization.


Ghost Recon: Hereafter Soldier opens with a four-man Ghost Squad, code-named "Predator", led by Joe Ramirez, deployed in Nicaragua to disrupt weapons traffickers. Upon inspection of the convoy vehicles, a dirty flop detonates, killing the team. Investigating the cause and tracking downward the source of the bomb is tasked to another Ghost squad phone call-signed "Hunter", consisting of Ghost Leader Captain Cedric Ferguson, Staff Sergeant John Kozak, Principal Sergeant Robert "Pepper" Bonifacio, and Sergeant Beginning Class Jimmy "30K" Ellison. The squad ships out nether the supervision of Major Scott Mitchell.

Mitchell informs the team of their new mission to rescue an arms dealer named Gabriel Paez in Republic of bolivia who has information virtually where the bomb came from. The team rescues Paez and and so proceeds to follow the trail of guns from Republic of zambia where they eliminate a local warlord, then to Nigeria, Pakistan, Norway, and finally into Russia, where the squad destroys an arms shipment at an airport, causing an international incident.

Some time later, a nuclear missile fired from Russian federation impacts London, but the nuclear warhead is eliminated at the last minute by the US Missile Shield. The launch is traced to a rogue Russian group known as Raven's Stone in Dagestan. The team is ordered into Dagestan to rescue a Georgian Special Forces unit who went to investigate the launch site. It is later found that only their commanding officer, Sergeant Osadze is alive but is captured by the Russians. During the rescue operation, which successfully frees Osadze, the team is ambushed by Russian Spetsnaz that have access to loftier-tech equipment on the aforementioned level equally the Ghosts, and it is later revealed that these soldiers are part of Russia's elite "Bodark" unit, which have sided with Raven'southward Stone.

Raven's Rock then stages a coup and is now in charge of the bulk of Russia. "Hunter" and then heads to northern Russia to secure a drilling ship to back up the Loyalist Russian Forces in effort to finish the Raven's rocks'due south forces. Subsequently accomplishing this, the squad is assigned to rescue a loyalist general who is seen as the leader of the resistance. Later on destroying the artillery that was attacking the General's forces, the team is pinned down past overwhelming Russian forces, until air support from H.A.W.Ten. squadron arrives and eliminate all opposition. Next, Kozak is tasked with a solo operation to rescue the Russian President, Volodin, from a 'black' prison house in Siberia. Kozak is successful, and then the team protects the President in his return to Moscow, and eliminates a Raven's Rock General. The Raven's Rock forces are overthrown and the crisis ends.

While everyone else is celebrating, the team receives intelligence on the location of the seven other leaders of Raven's Stone, which orchestrated the whole crunch. The squad is sent in on a surreptitious operation to eliminate the seven. After eliminating six of the vii, the team chases the last member, lawmaking-named "Ace", to a train station, where they wound him. The wounded Ace taunts the team that they volition not impale him considering the American government will terminate them. Simply before they are about to execute him, Major Mitchell calls them off, stating that Ace is to be kept alive and brought dorsum to America, that the orders came "from the top", and that they are "non to touch" Ace. At that point a railroad train comes, and Ace, who is wounded on the tracks, calls for the squad to save him, reminding them that their orders were to keep him live. Ferguson corrects him, saying that that their orders were not to touch him, every bit the team leaves Ace to be run over by the railroad train.

Raven Strike

Following the mission in Georgia, the Ghosts are deployed to help a loyalist Russian Full general. They steal a Russian command train, and and then to cover their tracks, they kill four Bodark leaders.


  1. Prologue - Nicaragua
  2. Nimble Guardian - Bolivia, March iii
  3. Subtle Arrow - Zambia, March 28
  4. Noble Tempest - Nigeria, April 10
  5. Tiger Dust - Peshawar, April 17
  6. Silent Talon - Chill, April 25
  7. Firefly Rain - Airfield, Kaliningrad, May 13
  8. Ember Hunt - Georgia, May 14
  9. Deep Fire - Barents Sea, June 2
  10. Valiant Hammer - Russia, July 13
  11. Gallant Thief - Russian federation, July 17
  12. Invisible Deport - Moscow, July 21
  13. Shattered Mountain - Archangels'thousand Oblast, July 22

Raven Strike

  1. Secure Dawn - Kazakhstan, September 22
  2. Cold Walker - Russian federation, September 22
  3. Argent Thunder - Moscow, September 23


Ghost Recon Future Soldier'southward multiplayer modes let y'all to experience the future of warfare like never before. Select from three classes (Rifleman, Engineer, and Scout) and unlock new gear to battle on ten maps. During your online career yous proceeds experience and levels, all leading to decisions that you make to customize and develop your character. But it's non all about y'all. You won't exist successful without teamwork. The multiplayer modes offering many opportunities to work together and assist your team proceeds the upper hand in each battle. Gather intel on your opponents' positions and share it with your teammates. Or utilize the suppression system to pin your enemies down while your teammates flank them.


Divided into iii singled-out classes, the combatants on either the Ghosts or Bodark teams are not necessarily carbon copies of each other. On the opposite, they have their own weapons, unlock progression, XP levels, and abilities, assuasive for full customization of not just a item style of play per course, but also per round.

Classes Description
Has access to Assault Rifles, Light Automobile Guns, and heavy body armor. They have the greatest skill in conventional combat with superior weapons for mid-range engagements by default. Through customization these personnel tin field variations of standard firearms to fight effectively at all but the longest ranges. Be it suppressing enemies with their LMGs, allowing the team to advance, or engaging targets with a marksman rifle, the rifleman is a versatile class that tin can absorb and inflict heavy penalization.
Has admission to Shotguns, Personal Defense force Rifles, and a wealth of intelligence and defensive equipment. They focus on support and excel at expanse defense and thanks to the use of their specialized equipment, which grants them and/or the team bonuses when they are fix upwardly. Due to their short to mid-range weapons, Engineers generally lack whatsoever reliable form of weapon to appoint enemies at long-range, making them best suited for tight quarters.
Has access to Sniper Rifles, Sub-Automobile Guns, and active camouflage. They are best used with stealth based tactics, as they lack the body armor that the rifleman possesses and field weapons that leave them with a "blind spot" where both their main weapons are ineffective (at mid-range). Due to the few number of other weapons that tin compete with them at the longer ranges, they are almost unchallenged at long-range gainsay.


Sand Storm.png
Sand Storm
Arctic Strike (DLC) Maps
Khyber Strike (DLC) Maps



  • Objective Game Type.
  • 15 Minute Time Limit.
  • Respawns: Yep.
  • Rounds: 1.

Conflict is an objective game type where two teams fight over numerous random objectives placed on the map. Interact with the objective to take it for your team. After taking an objective, your team must defend it until the fourth dimension runs out and activates another objective somewhere on the map. If you start capturing an objective while the timer (objective or game timer) runs out, you will still be able to capture information technology, unless killed past the enemy.

Completing objectives will add together 100 points to your team's score. I point volition exist added to your team'southward score for various Objective Based bonus points. Examples of objective points would be killing an enemy that is trying to have your objective. The team with the highest score at the end of the 15 minute fourth dimension limit wins.

Some objectives volition crave you to collaborate with them to capture them for your team. In one case captured, you lot will take to defend them. The enemy can recapture some objectives after your team has captured them. Your team can then capture them dorsum.

Each round lasts around three minutes. If neither team tin capture the objective before the time runs out, a new round will spawn on the map.


  • Best out of 3 Rounds.
  • 3 Objectives (1 Cardinal, 2 Decoy).
  • Neither squad knows the Key.
  • Complete Fundamental objectives to reveal final objective.
  • Attackers win round past destroying concluding objective.
  • Defenders win round by stopping attackers.

Decoy is an objective game mode in Adversarial Mode. Two teams fight over iii objectives throughout iii rounds, each lasting ten minutes long. Ii of the objectives are decoys, i is the key objective. In one case the Key Objective is completed, information technology will reveal a fourth, final objective which ends the circular when completed / dedicated. Neither team volition know which is the central objective. After completing the Primal Objective, the Round Timer volition increase, giving the Attacking Squad more than time to go afterwards the last objective.

Teams will switch between defending and attacking after each round, but teams will non switch Factions on each round. Attackers must consummate all objectives to win the round. Defenders must defend objectives for the ten minute fourth dimension limit to win each round.


  • Objective Game Type.
  • 10 Minute Time Limit.
  • Respawns: Yes.
  • Rounds: 1.

Saboteur is an objective game blazon where two teams attempt to blow upward the other team'south base. A neutral bomb will exist placed in the centre of the map. The first team to have the bomb and detonate it in the other team's base wins. If the bomb is not detonated after the 10 minutes, the team with the most Teamwork Actions (Score) will interruption the tie.

The user holding the bomb will not be able to run. In add-on to that, they will only be able to use their secondary weapon. Utilise the bomb nearly the enemy'southward base to earn 100 points. Make full the gauge to detonate the bomb and earn an additional 500 points.


  • All-time out of iii Rounds.
  • No Respawns.
  • Attackers win round if objective is completed or defenders are eliminated.
  • Defenders win circular if fourth dimension expires or attackers are eliminated.

Siege is an objective or emptying based Game Type. Two teams face up each other in iii rounds, each lasting a max of v minutes. I team is on law-breaking and must transmit intel from an objective, while the other squad is on defense force and must protect the objective. Defense spawns nigh the objective from the outset of the lucifer. Offense must expect ten seconds to spawn and can spawn on any side of the map.

Rounds can besides be won if i of the teams is completely eliminated. At that place will be no respawns, which means once you die, you have to look until the next circular. Since there are no respawns, each kill awards yous with 750 Points instead of the regular 75. Completing the Objective will award you with 3000 points! All other Points will be the aforementioned.


(Arctic Strike DLC)

  • 10-infinitesimal rounds.
  • Team-based match.
  • Players are sent to the "stockade" upon decease. Killing an enemy histrion releases a teammate from the stockade. Killing all enemy players results in an finish to the match.
  • Teammate points are scored as a tiebreaker.
  • Hacking an objective frees all teammates from the stockade.

Stockade mode is the newest playlist from the Arctic Strike DLC. Stockade takes an interesting spin on Team Deathmatch. Every one spawns at the beginning with one life. If you dice you lot can not respawn until a teammate kills an enemy. Each kill results in ane respawn. When the last man for a team dies the match is over.

At that place are also objectives that periodically appear throughout the match. If the objective is secured your entire team will receive a respawn.

Of import Note: Your team can not queue upwards respawns with kills. For example: When all six members of your team are alive and you kill four enemies and the 5th kills yous, you lot will not receive a respawn until some other enemy is killed.


(Khyber Strike DLC)

  • x-minute rounds.
  • Death-lucifer manner.
  • Killing an enemy player is one point.

Similar to the classic Team Deathmatch, Takeover has you score points for your team past eliminating enemies. However, you tin can tip the scales by taking command of the enemy's objective and earn a score multiplier to your team. You'll also need to defend your team'southward objective to prevent the enemy team from getting the same advantage. The team with the highest score at the end of the mission wins.


The objective in Guerrilla Mode is to secure and defend an HQ against 50 waves of enemies on each map. After ten waves, you lot must motion to a new HQ and defend for some other ten waves, all the manner until your each 50. The game can be attack Recruit, Veteran, or Elite Difficulty.

  • Gunsmith is not bachelor in Guerrilla. All weapons are plant on enemies or from random drops every wave.
Guerrilla Maps
Shanty Town.png
Shanty Town
Arctic Base.png
Arctic Base of operations
Village DLC.png
Drilling Ship.png
Drilling Ship


The weapons and equipment of Ghost Recon Hereafter Soldier.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Time to come Soldier Weapons
Set on Rifles 417 • A-91 • ACR • AK-200 • AN94 • TAR-21

DLC: AK-47 • F2000 • MK14 • S805

Light Machine Guns LSAT • MK 48 • PKP • Stoner 96 • Type 95 • Ultimax MK.5

DLC: M60 • RPK

Submachine Guns MP7 • P90 • PP19 • PP2000 • Skorpion • Vector

DLC: Type 05 • MP9

Personal Defense Rifles AKS-74U • Goblin • L22A2 • PDR-C • SA58 OSW • SR-3M

DLC: Mk17 • OCP-11

Sniper Rifles KSVK • M110 • MSR • PSL-54C • SRR • VSS

DLC: M40A5 • MN 91/thirty

Shotguns M1014 • M12 • M590A1 • MTS-225 • RMB-93 • SAIGA 12
Handguns Taurus PT-24/7 • 45T • GSh-18 • MP-412 • OTS-33 • KADR • Stun Gun • BLD-three Wink Bulb

DLC: Defender • 5.7 USG • Wild Boar

Grenade Launchers Mk40GL • G106
Gadgets Claymore • Flashbang • Frag • EMP grenade • Decoy • Incendiary • Smoke grenade • Demo Charge
Augmented Camo • Optic Camo • Camera sensor • Magnetic Sensor • Stun
Field Calculator • Jammer • Sentry • Medkit • Ammo Box • Thermal/Magnetic Visions
Drones UAV • Warhound


Since the release of Future Soldier, iii DLC packs have been released. Each pack increases the level cap for the multiplayer characters.

Arctic Strike

The fight continues with Tom Clancy'south Ghost Recon Future Soldier Chill Strike Map Pack, as the battle takes you from the streets of Moscow to the far reaches of the Arctic. This all-new downloadable content pack extends your Ghost Recon Futurity Soldier feel with new multiplayer maps, a new multiplayer way, a new Guerrilla Mode co-op map, and half-dozen additional weapons to give y'all the supreme border over your enemies.

Three adversarial multiplayer maps:

  • Riot: Ghosts and Bodark struggle for control of a desolate wasteland.
  • Skyline: This skyscraper's rooftop is a ii-level CQB nightmare.
  • Evicted: Old-schoolhouse Soviet architecture becomes tomorrow's battlefield when combat spills into a sleepy residential neighborhood.

One new map in Guerrilla Mode:

  • Chill Base Guerrilla Co-op Map.

Brand New "Stockade" multiplayer mode. In this mode, every time you get killed you are sent to the Stockade. Each defeated enemy will enable your team to free one of their team members, or y'all can consummate an objective to free all squad members from the Stockade at once. Game ends when all opposing team members are jailed in the Stockade.

Half dozen exclusive weapons:

  • Ghost Weapons: F2000 Assault Burglarize, Mk17 PDW Defense Rifle, MP9 Sub Machine Gun.
  • Bodark Weapons: SS805 Assault Rifle, OCP-11 Defense Rifle, Type 05 JS Sub Machine Gun.

Raven Strike

The second downloadable content for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Time to come Soldier, Raven Strike is a throwback to traditional Ghost Recon gameplay. It features larger maps, circuitous missions and an increased level of difficulty. There are three campaign missions, and a new Guerrilla mode map, each playable with up to four players.

Three new missions in Campaign Style:

  • Secure Dawn: a foggy marsh in Kazakhstan where the Ghosts volition not be allowed access to advanced technology (no optical cover-up, drone, or sensor grenade).
  • Cold Walker: a train depot in the Russian countryside.
  • Silver Thunder: a nighttime urban setting in Moscow.

I new map in Guerrilla Mode:

  • Sawmill: face 50 waves of enemies in a foggy Russian countryside

Khyber Strike

The third downloadable content pack for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Khyber Strike features three new multiplayer maps, a new multiplayer game mode called Takeover, a new Guerrilla Mode co-op map, new achievements, and an increased level cap.

3 new multiplayer maps:

  • Switchback: Step off the master road leading downward into the city and into a maze of ancient buildings and narrow alleys. The twists and turns of the alleyways plough every corner into a close-quarters death trap.
  • Palace: There'southward no time for reflection, even in this magnificent relic. What one time was a museum dedicated to showing the glories of the by, is now a battlefield with a massive courtyard at the centre of its contested footing.
  • Transit: A Moscow metro station makes for shut-quarters and close-range combat. Trains pulling into and out of the station add to the danger equally Ghosts and Bodark slug information technology out surreptitious.

One new multiplayer game mode: Takeover.

One new map in Guerrilla Manner:

  • Village: A peaceful country village finds itself transformed into a battleground, as fighting rages effectually its primal bus station. Long alleyways that run between war-damaged buildings brand a perfect hunting ground for snipers, and a shootout most the town's gas station could plough explosive.

Level cap increase of +10.

Game Editions

Thus far 3 editions of Ghost Recon Futurity Soldier have been released, beyond the standard version:

Signature Edition

  • ii Exclusive weapons (Multiplayer Only):
    • Mk14 Rife for the Ghost Rifleman form.
    • AK-47 Rifle for the Bodark Rifleman class.
  • ii Custom Weapon skins (Multiplayer Only):
    • Penny Skin.
    • Winter Digital Peel.
  • 48 Custom Headgear Skins (Multiplayer Simply).
  • Tramway (Moscow Suburbs): (GameStop Guerrilla mode exclusive map).
  • Steelbook Case (Not for United states of america).

All content is sectional to EB Games/GameStop.

PC Digital Palatial Edition

  • AK-47 – Available for Bodark Rifleman form.
  • Mk14 – Available for Ghost Rifleman class.
  • M40A5 Sniper Rifle – Available for Ghost Scout class.
  • MN 91/30 Sniper Rifle – Bachelor for Bodark Lookout class.
  • 48 custom Headgear Skins (Multiplayer Just).
  • 2 Custom Weapon skins (Multiplayer Only):
    • Tiger Stripe Skin.
    • Winter Digital Peel.
  • Drilling Ship: An exclusive co-op map where you play in harsh chill weather on a massive drilling ship.
  • Tramway (Moscow Suburbs): This exclusive multiplayer map plunges y'all into the heart of an intense urban firefight.

Collectors Edition (Australia simply)

  • Express Edition Packaging.
  • Embossed Steelbook Example.
  • Compressed Pack T-Shirt.
  • Hardcover Artbook with Sectional Artwork.
  • Alpha short movie DVD.
  • M40A5 Sniper Rifle – Bachelor for Ghost Lookout class.
  • MN 91/xxx Sniper Rifle – Bachelor for Bodark Scout class.


Main article: Ghost Recon: Alpha

With a budget of eight to ten million dollars and Francois Alaux as its managing director, Ghost Recon: ALPHA is a 24-minute live action prequel to Future Soldier co-written by Herve de Crecy and Tim Sexton. A copy will exist included with the game'south collector's edition.

As of May 25th, 2012, Ghost Recon Blastoff' is available for free in Xbox LIVE Marketplace Identify. The film was a prequel to the original idea of a squad-based tactical shooter. It is canon and serves equally a prequel to the events of Future Soldier. During the events of Blastoff, the Ghosts are tasked with disarming and taking several nuclear devices. They manage to disarm several but the team encounters Bodark (their Russian equivalent) and a member of the squad is killed during the conflict. The nukes are airlifted out and the picture ends with a shot of London, identical to the shot seen in Hereafter Soldier.

The squad seems to undergo some changes between Alpha and Time to come Soldier. In the film the only African American member of the team is killed and another becomes the leader of the squad in Future Soldier. It is unknown whether the leader of the squad in Alpha is Kozak or not, all the same Kozak is meant to be the technical expert of the squad so it wouldn't make sense for him to have someone else disarm the weapon as is washed in the film.

Believe in Ghosts miniseries

"Mac" Machowicz hosted a 3-part miniseries titled "Believe in Ghosts". Here Machowicz looks at elements in the game and compares them to real life operations performed by special forces.

Episode list

# Title Original airdate Operation Video
1 "The Deadly Edge" February ii, 2012 Maersk Alabama hijacking Episode 1
two "My Weapon Is Me" March 7, 2012 Operation Neptune Spear Episode 2
three "Squad or Dice" March xiv, 2012 Operation Acrid Gambit Episode 3



  • This is the first Ghost Recon in about 10 years to be rated M by the ESRB.
  • In a contempo result of Game Informer, information technology was revealed that Scott Mitchell will exist giving the new squad orders. In addition, Steve Blum, Mitchel'southward voice actor, was the narrator for a trailer.
  • The overall look, storyline, and certain gameplay elements were completely inverse from the original version that was shown at E3 2010, to the current version. Originally information technology was much more futuristic and included not-real weapons and an automatic shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.
  • The original version had a trailer, Ghost Recon Future Soldier: Future State of war, which featured a storyline around a team of Ghosts conducting Operation "Take Down Overlord".
  • The E3 2011 trailer showed off the new build of the game with sync shots and a tri-rotor UAV.
  • Recently Ubisoft released a video saying that Ghost Recon: Future Soldier volition take place later the film.
  • Ghost Recon Wildlands and Breakpoint both received unique John Kozak oufits from Future Soldier. In addition, Breakpoint with the release of Performance Motherland had the Bodark reintroduced as the antagonist in the newly added Conquest style.

External links

  • Tom Clancy'southward Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Wiki Guide

Ghost Recon Future Soldier Gear Airsoft

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